Patricia loved her volunteer abroad experience in Costa Rica

Volunteer Work

Sea Turtles / Costa Rica

October 2018

(cortesy translation from German)

The first thing that comes to my mind is that I had a great time in Costa Rica with a lot of fun and super nice memories. I liked it so much that I want to go back there and see more of the country and the countries around Costa Rica.

What I liked very much in the language school was that you learned Spanish in small study groups and that the teachers were able to support every student individually. The teachers were all super nice and I really enjoyed the lessons. In the project I really enjoyed working with the baby turtles. They are so small and cute and it was always nice to let the little ones go into their natural habitat. The cooperation in the project was also great and I met a lot of nice people.

I spent most of my free time on the beach or I sometimes went on small trips around our place to explore hidden places. I learned from volunteering that it is very important that you have to rely on and work with each other to get ahead. Those who do not like to work in a group will have problems in such a project. Unfortunately, I also had to have this experience with a person who was very unreliable. But luckily only one person, the rest was very reliable and I had a lot of fun. Life was unusual at first, but after about a week I got used to life in Costa Rica and overcame initial difficulties.

I also learned a lot about myself where my strengths and weaknesses are. Sometimes I really grew out of myself, I'm really proud of that! 

The most unforgettable moment was when I went on the beach for the first time and looked at the sea, because then my tension dropped and the not so nice start in Costa Rica was forgotten. At the same time, the most exciting moment when I saw and held a baby turtle for the first time was so amazing!

In any case, I can recommend every volunteer that you don't have to give up, if things don't turn out like expected or as planned. It may disappoint you but you can always find a solution. In addition, you should plan enough money for excursions, as they are really expensive, and also enough time to travel or maybe consider renting a car, as this is a good way to get to other places. Because it is not always good to take the bus, unless you want to spend the whole day on the bus, which takes a maximum of 2 hours by car. I would also like to mention that I was super satisfied with my host families and the project staff in Camaronal. They were all really helpful, friendly and nice. Something like this is very important for a successful stay and makes it easier to settle in!

I would also like to thank you for always being supportive and for always answering and helping promptly. I was 100% satisfied with you as my outound agency (South America Inside), and my contact person was always there for me. If I go on a trip to Latin America again, I will do it through your organization again.

Thank you very much and best regards, Patricia

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