Denise did Volunteer Work with Disabled Children

Volunteer Work

Home for Disabled Children / Ecuador

January 2020

(cortesy translation from German)

Dear South America Inside team,

I am very well thank you, but I am also a little sad that today was my last day at the volunteer project. I was very happy about the award that I received yesterday.

The project was incredibly meaningful to me, the facility is beautiful, everyone is very friendly with the children, the children receive a lot of support in various ways (physiotherapy, hippotherapy, speech therapy, etc.) and there are many different things to do.

I never had the feeling that I was "just" a volunteer, but was seen as a full member, I was given responsible tasks, I was allowed to work independently and I was given a lot of trust. I can recommend this facility 100%.

Many thanks for your great organization and all the best for you!

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