Berit and Ciara about Volunteering with Children

Volunteer Work

Child Care Projects / Peru

December 2015

(cortesy translation from German)

Actually, we had booked the Spanish course only for two weeks, but extended it for a week to learn more grammar and to get a better feeling for the language. During these three weeks we learned a lot and are happy with the result. We are familiar with all the basics but also a little more. In theory everything is going great, only in practice it is a little harder, but with time and practice I am sure this is going to improve.

The lessons were well structured and set up logically. Our teacher was friendly, but also strict and with the time a little tiring. The rector of the school was always very friendly, caring and loving and always had an eye on us, even when we worked in our project. The secretary also wanted always the best for us.

After our three weeks of language course, we started to work in an orphanage. We worked together with children at the age of 1-5 years. The work was a lot of fun, but also very stressful, because we were often on our own. Nevertheless, we really liked the kids and saying goodbye was really sad… The staff were always friendly and we enjoyed working with them.

All in all we enjoyed our stay with South America Inside in Cusco. Remarkable was the care and interest that the staff showed from the beginning on and also before our arrival. Therefore we warmly recommend this organization!

Thanks so much! It was a pleasure to have you as our contact person.

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